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Day44 of #100DaysOfCode . Improving my Navbar making skills,learning how to add a Search bar, a dropdown menu and making it all responsive. I am also...
You can check my webpage here : https://inspiring-saha-b9d412.netlify.app/ . I need to learn image positioning and adjusting its size properly and how...
After completing my beginners course of responsive web design , I have now started making new templates from codewell.com . The aim now is to make a...
As part of my course as a beginner , I was making a product landing page on codepen but I noticed a bug in their CSS editor. So, I shifted to Visual...
I have started making some practice projects . So far I have made a Tribute page and a Survey form , using Html and CSS and will be uploading more...
Justify-content There are several options for how to space the flex items along the line that is the main axis. One of the most commonly used is...